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Your One-Stop Shop for Seamless Logistics
From our AI Lab
The Science behind Norma LIVE
Norma LIVE is an intelligent route planning assistant that uses an
AI-based algorithm to help you optimize logistics distribution.
She takes in input, calculates conditions and circumstances to create an optimum plan every day.
Norma LIVE is an AI Vehicle Routing Solution based on genetic computing as a result of extensive scientific research combined with industry experience.
We use an adaptive heuristic search technique combined with machine learning to provide optimum results.
Norma LIVE uses aggregated fitness functions to make sure the best possible solution based on business rules, optimization targets, customer objectives, resource constraints, traffic and other factors are selected.
Norma LIVE in Action

See How Norma LIVE Takes control of your deliveries and collections?
Norma LIVE connects via API technology to both internal data systems (f.e. TMS and Board computer systems) as well as external data systems, such as road network maps and traffic predictions. By analysing the information Norma Live will efficiently and quickly return the best-case pickup and delivery plan for the orders. It continuously re-optimizes live based on incoming orders in real-time.
How Norma LIVE Works?
Norma LIVE uses Artificial Intelligence to provide real-time dynamic live routing for express deliveries and fast-moving frequently changing pickup & delivery operations.
Norma LIVE comes with a backbone optimizer connecting the entire transportation chain with the last mile to provide predictable and reliable deliveries.
Norma LIVE comes with a live control tower that shows a comprehensive overview of the current state of the logistics operations process. It shows a train-view of all routes of the best plan, showing which orders are done, in progress or still assigned but not dispatched.
Since Norma LIVE continuously optimizes its plans, the best plan is always updated and displayed on the User Interface.
Norma LIVE uses metaheuristics run in real-time to solve complex combinatorial problems presented by challenging business cases of fast movements and logistics operations.